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COVID-19 & Close Contact Advice

Hi, Parents and Guardians of our wonderful SSP patients. We are coming to you with empathy as you brave yet another plot twist. We are grateful to be in a time when we are better equipped to face the COVID-19 virus and information is being updated. We, at SSP, are so fortunate to have such a responsible and caring patient population. We applaud all your effort and understand that most of us will not escape exposure and infection. We have tried to simplify the guidance to help you navigate testing, quarantine, and isolation. Look out for our FAQs sheet in the News Section of our website coming this week. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THAT THE UPDATED CDC GUIDANCE MAY NOT ALIGNED WITH YOUR SCHOOL OR JURISDICATIONS GUIDANCE. WE ADVISE PARENTS TO USE CAUTION AND CONSIDER FOLLOWING LONGER ISOLATION PROTOCOLS FOR YOUNGER CHILDREN WHO ARE NOT VACCINATED OR ABLE TO MASK WELL.

See the very bottom for parents/guardians who become COVID positive and want advice for children/families with "ongoing" close contact exposure to the infected parent.

Please scroll to the underlined circumstance that applies to your family

ASYMPTOMATIC with Close Contact*

Unvaccinated Asymptomatic - Get tested on or after day 5 of last exposure (the last unmasked exposure is considered day 0)

- Self-quarantine days 1-5 after exposure - Strict Masking days 5-10 Vaccinated Asymptomatic (boostered or Pfizer/Moderna within last 6 months) - Not required to self-quarantine during this time

- Get tested on or after day 5 of last exposure and mask indoors until results are back - If unable to get tested they should wear a mask indoors for 10 days If at any point during the 14 days a person becomes symptomatic they should test again and follow the guidance below.

*A close contact - is anyone within 6 feet of an infected person for a total of 15 min or more over a 24 hours period, starting from 2 days before their symptoms began or 2 days before they were tested.


Unvaccinated and Vaccinated persons who are symptomatic - Get tested

- Self-isolate (do not leave home) until test results are back - Avoid others in your home, if possible, or mask around the household until tested

- if positive follow guidance below


- Vaccines decrease risk of severe illness, hospitalization, and death

- Guidance below is not based on vaccination status

- Isolation was decreased to 5 days in the following circumstances

1. If completely asymptomatic (no fever, cough, congestion, headache, or sore throat)

or if symptoms (cough, congestion, headache, sore throat) are improving and there is no fever

2. After isolation, person must continue to wear a mask around others from days 5-10

***Day 0 is the first day of symptoms or, if asymptomatic, day 0 is the test day


Per the CDC, If separation of the person with COVID-19 from others in the home is not possible, the other members of the household will have ongoing exposure, meaning they will be repeatedly exposed until that person is no longer able to spread the virus to other people. The person with COVID-19 and all members of the household should wear a well-fitted mask and consistently, inside the home


  • The unvaccinated child/dependent should begin quarantine immediately and continue to quarantine throughout the isolation period of the person with COVID-19. Continue to quarantine for an additional 14 days starting the day after the end of isolation for the person with COVID-19. Get tested again 5-7 days after the end of isolation of the infected household member

  • The vaccinated child/dependent should get tested twice - Once, 5-7 days after their first exposure. (remember: a person with COVID-19 is considered infectious starting 2 days before they develop symptoms, or 2 days before the date of their positive test if they do not have symptoms). Then again, 5-7 days after the end of isolation for the person with COVID-19. Wear a mask indoors in public until 14 days after the infected person’s isolation period ends or until the fully vaccinated close contact receives their final test result.

Caregiver Example: Mom is asymptomatic and tested positive for COVID on December 1st, Mom wears a mask indoors to decrease spread to a vaccinated 5-year-old daughter and unvaccinated 12-month-old unvaccinated. Mom wants to know when children can return to school/daycare? Mom's isolation period ends on December 6th If mom and 5-year-old vaccinated daughter are able to mask indoors, the ASYMPTOMATIC VACCINATED 5-year-old can return to school immediately. She will need to test on December 6th and again on December 11th-13th and wear a mask indoors until December 20th. The unvaccinated 12-month-old son will be home until December 20th (if mom’s isolation period ends on December 6th, she will add 14 days after this to the quarantine of the child that remains ASYMPTOMATIC)


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