This message has been updated as of Nov 10th at 9pm
We have a very limited stock of COVID vaccine available for our 5-11 year old patients and are scheduling visits by appointment only. Once this clinic is full we will provide an update here on our website. It is very important that you read this message entirely prior to calling our office to schedule for the November 13th Drive-Up Clinic.
Please call our office to schedule.
When calling please understand that we must prioritize the patients that need our medical attention; we are asking for your patience during this busy time of year.
The Drive-Up COVID Vaccine clinic will take place on Nov. 13th from 9am to 12pm by appointment only.
You must complete the following single page COVID Vaccine Screening Form and bring it with you to your appointment.
Please click the link and read the Vaccine Information Fact Sheet also known as the EUA FACT SHEET (en espanol). You do NOT need to print this. It is here for your review and consent for vaccination.
If you have questions or would like a consultation, please schedule a telemedicine visit in advance of your visit.
Common side effects of the vaccine are usually experienced after the booster - Children have experienced much milder side effects than adults - Fatigue (39%), Headache (28%), Muscle Pain (12%), and Fever (6.5%) - swollen lymph nodes were very rare in children enrolled in the study.
Please call to cancel your appointment if your child is unwell or you are unable to make the appointment. We would like to open the spot up for other children.
Yes! your child can get their COVID vaccine if they recently got other vaccines.
If your child has COVID or has been exposed, we recommend waiting 14 days before getting the COVID vaccine.
Your child will be eligible for their 2nd COVID vaccine on or after December 4th. Our office will be in touch with you to discuss the 2nd vaccine by November 29th.
Please see Part 3 for additional locations providing COVID vaccinations for your child(ren).